October Challenge - What is sacred?
Have you heard that "Carnism is the invisible belief system, or ideology, that conditions people to eat certain animals. Carnism is...
Have you heard that "Carnism is the invisible belief system, or ideology, that conditions people to eat certain animals. Carnism is...
I've always loved to create artwork. I was always working on something in high school, but somewhere I started believing that my art...
Today's the day of another Cuddle Party! Cuddle Party is a bit different than a Cuddlist session, but also the same. Both services are...
I am relatively new to professional cuddling and so far I've only had a few real clients. It's also a bit difficult to put the experience...
Thank you to the Finger Lakes Health Fair for putting on an AMAZING event! Please remember to check out my Youtube for excerpts from the...
Good morning! I wanted to make sure you know about the upcoming Cuddle Party events in Ithaca NY this month and next: Friday, September...
I am pleased to announce the completeion of my Cuddle Party Facilitator training and certification as Cuddle Party Facilitator #158! I am...
Help spread the word. I want to liquidate my jewelry inventory and invite new creativity into that space. "FLASH SALE!" Please spread the...
What's been going on for Teaching Ithaca Wellness LLC over the summer is truly amazing! I hope to accomplish amazing things with Toga...
It might have been made 10 years ago, but it still sparkles like new. I recently had the pleasure of working with a new friend who I met...
If you've ever really read the myth of Pandora's box, then you may know that "hope" is the only demon that was never vanquished. When I...
Well, I was planning to give this a go at the Finger Lakes Yoga Festival, but that event was mysteriously canceled, so I've decided to...
Seems like a silly question, right?! But if you let go of your particular story for a moment, and listen, you may gain quite a bit! When...
Have you ever known someone who has a counter argument for everything, a road block for every solution you put forth? That's the way I...
Two Cuddly Party events are happening in Ithaca NY August 2018! Cuddle Party Facilitator in training, Alison Rawlins has completed the...
Spiritual enlightenment doesn't make you a saint 24/7. It's still possible to be triggered and to trigger others through casual...
Alison Rawlins has earned an MS degree in Strategic Communication from Ithaca College, this degree was built on undergraduate studies at...
According to the philosopher William L. Rowe, "agnosticism is the view that human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational...
I just completed the in-person portion of my Cuddle Party facilitator training, and I'm excited for the various events coming over the...
Chief Inspiration Officer, Alison Rawlins, created this set of examples to use for your own inspiration. The goal is to relax and have...